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Sermons (9)

Loving Jesus
Part of the MAKE IT MATTER series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on May 27, 2018 (Sunday Night).
Loving Jesus
Part of the MAKE IT MATTER series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on May 27, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
Jesus is the Anchor
Part of the Searching for Significance series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on July 23, 2017 (Sunday Night).
What Creed do you follow
Part of the Significance series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on July 23, 2017 (Sunday Morning).
God is Love, Jesus is Lord
Part of the Can I Have Your Attention Please series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on September 18, 2016 (Sunday Night).
Jesus Uses Everyday Ordinary People To See A Supernatural Extraordinary God
Part of the Can I Have Your Attention Please series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on September 18, 2016 (Sunday Morning).
Can I Have Your Attention Please
Part of the Can I Have Your Attention Please series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on September 16, 2016 (Friday).
Spirit Lead
Part of the Until The Spirit Comes series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on May 17, 2015 (Sunday Night).
The Holy Spirit
Part of the Until The Spirit Comes series.
Preached by Dave Fenton on May 17, 2015 (Sunday Morning).
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